Chaplain Corps offering free online relationship enrichment training

  • Published
  • By Chaplain (Capt.) Daniel Wilton
  • 182nd Airlift Wing Chaplain Corps

Our 182nd Chaplain Corps is hosting and facilitating two upcoming Saturday Seminars full of free online relationship enrichment training. The schedule is arranged so that any who are interested can attend any, or all, of the training sessions virtually. You can come and go as you please. Our Chaplain Corps team has selected some of the most helpful content from several of our Strong Bonds weekend retreat curriculum, and have arranged it in this format to be accessible and helpful to all—free of charge. Please take a look at the schedule, follow the link on a personal device to get the Zoom meeting information, and let us know if you plan to attend or have any questions. As always, our Chaplain Corps team is here to support you, and we look forward to seeing you around the base.

Dates: Saturdays May 15th and August 28th          



0900-1000: The 5 Love Languages – This session will outline Dr. Gary Chapman’s “5 Love Languages”. Understanding love and knowing how we prefer to give and receive love can have a very profound and positive impact upon our relationships with others. We will explore each love language, identify which love languages you prefer, and share strategies to demonstrate love to those closest to you.

1000-1200: The Flag Page Solution – This session samples one helpful tool from Mark Gungor’s “Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage” weekend retreat. “The Flag Page” is similar to a personality assessment, but provides so much more helpful insight on how you and others can be at your best in relationships. We will take the assessment (free to participants), and go over the results as a group, while highlighting how to use the information learned to better align your work and relationships with those values that bring you the greatest joy and motivation. This training might also be helpful to leaders who desire to more effectively relate to and motivate those they supervise.

1230-1300: Prayer Time – This time is set aside for any that would like to pray or be prayed for by our chaplains. Please consider joining us to be encouraged spiritually as our chaplains facilitate this time of prayer.

1330-1500: PREP (Prevention & Relationship Education Program) – This session will provide an overview of PREP 8.0 relationship strengthening material, and go deeper into one of their most celebrated communication techniques, “The Speaker/Listener Technique.” If you would like some help improving in your communication, especially when emotions are involved, this session will be incredibly helpful to you. We will also share how you and your spouse may qualify to participate in “ePREP”, their online video based curriculum which goes much more in-depth into their successful relationships training. We have several licenses that we would love to see go to couples in need.

1500-1600: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People/Families (Franklin Covey) – This session will do a general overview of Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits”, and will inspire participants to have more intentional thoughts and actions which connect to personal or family mission statements. If you need a quick hour to get refocused and reminded of what matters most, this session is for you.

Our Chaplain Corps contact:
Saturday seminar facilitator: Ch Dan Wilton (309-621-3850)